2018-19 Season Recap 和 Awards

This year was an amazing season. We had a lot of challenges 和 obstacles as a team – we had a lot of talent this year – …. 的 ones here are the ones who pressed on 和 finished the season.

的 球队7胜1负 in head to head meets, defeating conference rivals like North Cross, 洛亚诺克天主教, 和新约. 的 only head to head loss we avenged by beating Covenant at the VIC Conference Finals

At the beginning of the season the captains 和 I sat down 和 outlined some individual goals, 和 some goals for the team. 的 team not only met every goal – they went beyond them – over the course of the season, 7 of our school 11 School Records fell. But I’ll talk more about those as I go through the awards.

其次, highlights of the year was watching the 200 free relay team come from behind to 赢得 the 200 FREE Relay at our district meet. Relays count for twice as many points in the meet so we knew they were crucial to our success. 的y won the event by seventeen hundredths of a second. In an event like that… it’s not just the anchor who 赢得s – but you can honestly look at each swimming 和 tell them that every kick, every flip turn, every pull matters!

More highlights from the VIC conference meet: in year’s past we’ve typically finished 6 or 7th at the VIC tournament, losing to the first place team by 60- 80 points. 今年我们 jumped over 3 teams to 完成第三, only losing to the second place team by 6 points. This would not have been possible if we were not able to take the whole team. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank CPT Cranston.

的 final highlight was swimming at the State Meet. This was my third time going to the State meet, but it was the first time, in my time as coach, that we’ve made it past the primary round 和 into the finals. In other years not everyone did their best at the state meet. This year, however, everyone peaked at just the right time – everyone did their best when it mattered the most.

If I can say that again… every single swimmer did their best when it mattered the most ! This is not just a swim lesson or a sports lesson, but a life lesson.

Leadership award is for the cadet who is the best role model 和 who leads by example: this cadet was a huge help to the team captains 和 to me.  

A Swim meet is a very busy atmosphere – sound bounces 和 echos off the water 和 walls; it’s hard to communicate. We had a lot of new swimmers with lots of questions so it was crucial that my captains 和 my seniors step up to provide quality leadership for the team. From passing out cell phone to picking up suits – this swimmer provided leadership before I could even ask for someone to do so.   

This year leadership award goes to… Ryan Curran.

Cassion Husstle: is for the cadet who Gives 100% in practice 和 competition.  

This cadet made a point of swimming over the summer 和 hit the weight room hard in December. When the first meet came around he chose to swim one of the harder events in the meet, the 200 FREE. He improved his time by 19.01%. Whenever he’s in the water practice or in competition, I always get his best effort. 

This year’s Cassion Husstle award goes to… Gavin Sanger.

进步最快: With swimmers it is always very easy to see the gains that first 和 second year swimmers make. This year was no exception; many of our first year swimmers made great gains.

However, what’s harder to notice is the 80/20 rule. This says that for any task or goal that you take one, you can accomplish 80 percent of that goal with 20 percent of the effort…. But to complete the last 20% of that goal… it requires 80% of your overall effort. 换句话说, it’s relatively easy to go from poor – to average – to good, but it requires something special – it requires 4 times the effort to go from good to great. I’ve been waiting for a while to see if/when this swimmer to choose to make this kind of improvement, 和 this year he has.

At the State meet, this swimmer dropped -1.55秒 off his time when finishing 4th in the Bonus 50 as he swam the fastest 50 Free off the blocks in 费什伯恩 历史. He was also a part of two 2 record breaking relay teams; 200 free 和 400 free.  

This year’s most improved goes to… Gavin Flanagan

Iron Cassion Award – the Iron Cassion award goes to the toughest athlete on the team.

This athelete’s toughness was apparent not only by juggling two sports – but also by taking on one of the most technically difficult events. 

Breastroke is an event that is easy to learn but very hard to master. It has a complicated start off the blocks , an awkward kick, a difficult pull 和 exhausting turns. At the state meet he dropped three seconds off his previous best in the 100 Breastroke as he broke the school’s 和 swam his seasonal best.

He droped 3 seconds off his seasonal best 和 broke school record for the 100 Breast when he represented FMS at the state meet. He was also part of 所有三个 record-breaking, state-qualifying relays.  

This year’s Iron Cassion is… Sebastian Holdridge

教练奖 – is an award for the cadet who has a good attitude, respectful 和 cooperative.

One of the hardest things that I have to do as a coach is to figure out who will swim what event. Each swimmer can only swim 4 events, 2 individual 和 2 relay. To add to the complication, sometime we are limited in the number of swimmers we can put into each event. 的se limits mean, I have to balance, what a swimmer can do, what he’s best at, 和 what’s best overall for the team.

作为教练,你 love to have guys that can swim anything 和 everything. In this regard, this swimmer is one of the most flexible swimmers that I’ve ever coached. He proved this point over 和 over throughout the season as he typically finished one second off the state cut in nearly everything he swam.

他的 selfless attitude 和 cooperation freed up the rest of their team to do their best. We would not have been 7-1, or finished 3rd at VIC Confrence without this flexibility.

He’s currently on the record board more than anyone else; 5 times. He anchored the 1st place 200 Free Relay Team at the VIC Conference 和 again as a State Finalist. 他参与了 所有三个 record breaking relay teams. He also holds the school record for the 100 FREE 和 the 200 FREE.

This year’s Coaches award goes to… Ryan Argueta.

MVP - is the best 和 most productive person on the team.

This swimmer is has a great heart to help teach 和 coach other swimmers. He was a valuable resource to me throughout the year to work with first year swimmers in the C Group.

Like I mentioned at the beginning. 的 team made a huge jump at the VIC conference. Because the State Meet is a qualifying event, not every gets to go. 的refore the VIC Conference meet is the main focus of our year as a team.

By scoring more points than anyone else at the conference meet, this cadet had more to do with those accomplishments than anyone else.  

He earned 3 points for a 6th place finish in the 100 FLY

He earned a 7 points 和 a silver medal in the 100 backstroke. (which was the best individual performance of the night)

He earned another silver medal by swimming the opening leg on the 200 Medley Relay

He earned a gold medal as a part of the 200 Free Relay.

He’s on the record board twice as a part of record breaking, 400 Free Relay 和 again, as a state finalist on the 200 Medley Relay.

This year’s MVP is… Wesley Loe.